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The Dharma of Self-Inquiry: Embody your Non-dual essence with dr. richard miller

The Dharma of Self-Inquiry: Embody Your Non-Dual Essence with Richard Miller PHD

Dates: Tuesdays 3:00pm - 5pm PDT - September 17 - July 15 (11 Sessions)

Knowledge more secret than the science of breath, wealth more useful than the science of breath,
a friend truer than the science of breath, has never been seen or heard of.    – 

When you really look for me, you will see me instantly. I am the breath inside the breath. – Kabir


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An 11-month experiential journey of insight, recognition, and awakening to your nondual essence. Utilizing self-inquiry and radical acceptance the bonds that keep you tied to the wheel of seeking, becoming, and separation and suffering can be broken. These bonds (aka: fetters, binding factors), referred to as the five kleśas, six koshas and five kañchūkas of Yoga and the ten saṃyojanas of Buddhism, dissolve through the sincere honesty, steadfast curiosity, and passionate self-inquiry this course invites you to engage within a community of like-minded sojourners.

Do you have a scratch that you haven’t been able to itch despite years of spiritual seeking and meditation? Is your true underlying purpose in life (Sanskrit: dharma) to be a fully integrated, loving, kind, and compassionate human being who can meet life as it is with ever-fresh, spontaneous, dynamic actions that are in harmony with your life and the totality of the universe (Sanskrit: ṛta)? 

To realize, live, and act from such a state of fulfillment you must go beyond your limiting beliefs of being finite, solid, and separate from everyone and everything around you. You must go beyond the limitations imposed by identification with being a separate “ego-me-I-self” and realize the underlying nondual essence that you are, and everything truly is; the mysterious ineffable essence that has birthed the entire cosmos and everything within it.

So how do you realize and embody this fruition? Through the process of self-inquiry and radical acceptance the bonds that keep you tied to the wheel of seeking, becoming, and suffering can be released. In Yoga and Buddhism these ties (aka: fetters, bonds) are referred to as the five kleśas, six koshas, five kañchūkas, and ten saṃyojanas, which can be released through sincere honesty, steadfast curiosity, and passionate self-inquiry. 

Join Richard for an eleven-month series of rarely shared wisdom teachings that are time- honored and time-tested inquiries that enable you to break the bonds which otherwise keep in place seeking, suffering, and the itch that you’ve been unable to scratch. 

Everyone is welcome. Anyone interested in serious, deep self-inquiry into the nature of reality, and the illusions that prevent recognition of our underlying nondual essential nature will benefit. iRest teachers, clinicians, healthcare practitioners, coaches, and yoga and meditation teachers can develop new understandings and a refined capacity to bring forward the transformational potential of these teachings within themselves and those they interact with.

Each month you’ll be invited to engage in a series of inquiries, analogous to stepping stones, that enable you to release the beliefs and habitual patterns that otherwise occlude realization of your underlying ineffable nondual essence. With the release of each bond you move ever-more deeply into embodying your true purpose; being love itself, incarnate, as a unique but not-separate essence who exudes confidence, faith, trust, and the ability to meet each moment of life with heartfelt responsive and harmonious actions.

Inquiries include:

  1. Relinquishing the Illusion of Being an “Ego-I-Me-Self”

  2. Moving Beyond Self-Doubt

  3. Seeing Through Useless Routines

  4. Letting Go of Aversion, Attachment, Desire, and Ill Will

  5. Releasing the Illusion of Subject-Object Separation

  6. Going Beyond Form and Formlessness

  7. Abandoning the Illusion of the subtle sense of Self

  8. Freedom from Seeking, Suffering, and Restlessness

  9. Surrendering the Misperception that Something’s Amiss

  10. Meeting Life Just as It Is, On Its own Terms

  11. Integration: Where Do We Go From Here

This series provides you with the unique opportunity to interact one-on-one with Richard and deepen your personal self-inquiry during the monthly group interactions, and in between sessions via an online community forum.

Each monthly session of this 11-month series includes engaging lectures, guided self-inquiry practices, and group discussions, as well as time for questions and answers.

Between sessions, participants are encouraged to engage the inquiries being offered during each monthly gathering. Additionally, participants also have the opportunity to ask questions of Richard through a private online community forum outside of program time. These practices of self-inquiry ​can be engaged on one’s own, and/or in discussion with others. If you are so inclined, you can practice with other course participants in one-on-one or group settings at any time. 

Dates: This course will be held online on the following dates

2024: September 17; October 15; November 19; December 17

2025: January 21; February 18, March 18, April 15, May 20, June 17, July 15

Time: 3-5pm PDT Please use this time converter if you need.

Cost: The full price of this course is $899 USD. During the early bird sale, the price is $699 USD (early bird ends on August 17). Your code “KULA50” provides $50 USD off no matter what our price is. Feel free to let your students know they are saving an additional $50 USD.

Recording: the recording of each session will be sent automatically to you and will be available for 6 months after each session.

YogaKula Policy: No refund but you are welcome to give your ticket to a friend.

Richard Miller, PhD is a clinical psychologist, author, researcher, yogic scholar, and spiritual teacher who has devoted his life to integrating western psychology and neuroscience with the ancient nondual wisdom teachings of yoga, tantra, Advaita, Taoism, and Buddhism. Richard is the founder of iRest Institute, cofounder of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, and a founding member and past president of the Institute for Spirituality and Psychology. He is the author of iRest Meditation: Restorative Practices for Health, Resiliency, and Well-Being; Yoga Nidra: The iRest Meditative Practice for Deep Relaxation and Healing; and The iRest Program for Healing PTSD: A Proven-Effective Approach to Using Yoga Nidra Meditation and Deep Relaxation Techniques to Overcome Trauma. 


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September 14


September 23