Spring Meditation Gathering: Blessings with Leila Swenson
Saturday, March 29
"Ram is everywhere present. Sat is Ram. Chit is Ram. Ananda is Ram. The fragrance of the rose is Ram. The greenness of the leaves is Ram. The brilliance of the sun is Ram. In the music of the southern breeze is melodiously blended the sweet Name of the Lord. Feel His Presence everywhere. Behold Him in all beings." ~Swami Sivananda
Happy Spring! Let's celebrate in community the blessings of the season with a chant to the Divine, followed by a silent sitting in meditation, and finishing with deep relaxation. Hot tea and sweets will be provided... All are welcome!
Please register on the class schedule. You can sign up for a single drop-in class or use your class package. See link below.
"All life is yoga." ~ Sri Aurobindo
Leila Swenson: Leila Swenson, E-500 RYT, is a joyful, kind, and inspiring Vinyasa teacher, whose classes flow naturally from the heart. Her yoga studies began in 2000 at the Himalayan Institute, and she has been teaching full-time in the SF/Bay Area since 2010.An experienced teacher, Leila has had the privilege of teaching at Firefly Yoga, Yoga Tree, Nest Yoga, Esalen, Glow Yoga, Urban Flow, Flying Yoga, Academy of Art University, Ubisoft, Craigslist, Tishman Speyer, and privately. She has served on the faculty of Yoga Tree Teacher Trainings in SF in 2019 and 2020, served as a Guest Teacher in Laura Burkhart Yoga Teacher Training in 2022, and leads an international Happiness Yoga Retreat in Mexico every year. Leila is devoted to yoga and believes yoga is the most effective practice for self-discovery, love, health, happiness, compassion, acceptance, and peace.
Website: www.leilaswenson.com
You can use your yoga class package, or purchase a class.