Mentorship Program for yoga teachers- 10hrs
Mentorship program for Yoga Teachers–10 hours
The Yoga Teacher mentorship program is designed to help expand and improve your yoga teaching career. This is perfect for those who completed a 200hr YTT and need extra support to; find their voice as a yoga teacher, craft more intentionally sequenced yoga classes, and inspire their students. Navigating the challenges of being a yoga teacher can feel lonely and like an impossible mountain to climb. Our goal is to show you that anything is possible with the right guidance and to open you up to our supportive community that will always be there for you.
Hours can go to continuing education, Yoga Alliance Certification and or count towards our 300 hour Teacher Training Program.
Our program will help you
Fine-tune your teaching style and vision
Establish hands-on assists, refine verbal cues, and find your voice
Design class plans and yoga sequences
Develop skills to work with specialized students ie pregnant, seniors, injured, kids
How to teach therapeutic yoga, yoga nidra, restorative, meditation,
Provide you with the opportunity to teach community classes at Yogakula
Mentorship coaching
Observing + getting feedback from teaching classes
Refining verbal skills to use in teaching (e.g. how to offer modifications for a particular student without slowing down or confusing the rest of the class)
Advice on class sequencing and design, and teaching preparation
Feedback on promotional materials, website, social media
Our Program Faculty
YogaKula Berkeley Studio: 1700 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, CA 94709
Our next trainings will be in person at the studio although hybrid online option is available if needed.
Start when you are ready. The mentorship program is highly individualized. Apply here.
10 hours mentorship takes place over 6 months.
Required Texts
Anusara Teacher Manual (available @Yogakula) $35
Yoga Asana Guide (available @ Yogakula) $20
Recommended Reading
Light on Yoga, by BKS Iyengar, 1995 (revised ed.)
Yoga Resource Practice Manual by Darren Rhodes: available as ebook
The Concise Book of Yoga Anatomy by Jo Ann Staugaard-Jones
The Key Muscles of Yoga by Ray Long
Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff, second edition
Visible Body - Muscle Premium [ An anatomy App , shows joints & muscles in motion]
Refining the Breath by Doug Keller (available via his website)
Meditation for the love of it, by Sally Kempton
The Path of Yoga by Georg Feuerstein, 2011
Bhagavad Gita: A New Translation, by Stephen Mitchell, 2002
Yoga: Discipline of Freedom: The Yoga Sutra Attributed to Patanjali, intro by Barbara Stoler Miller, 1998
Yoga as life-changing experience:
Yoga and the Quest for the True Self, by Stephen Cope
Anything by Pema Chodron, Thich Nhat Hanh, Jack Kornfield
Private Mentoring sessions
Free unlimited classes with leader trainer
Consideration for Community class teaching spots
Access to teacher training library recorded workshops
Hours: 10 hours mentorship – over 6 months – Start when you are ready
Investment $650 / Payment plan available
Trainings are non-refundable. YogaKula and its teachers reserve the right to cancel workshops. If YogaKula cancels a Training, a full credit or refund will be issued.
You can read our complete terms & policies here.
Students must have completed a 200 Yoga Alliance Certified Training Program