Episode 5 - Practices for Equanimity with Beryl Bender Birch

In episode 5 of the Wisdom of Yoga Podcast, Saraswati interviews Beryl Bender Birch. Beryl shares with us:

  • The deeper meaning and purpose of yoga and what are the most easily misunderstood aspects of yoga.

  • How her teaching has transformed over the years

  • How can yogic wisdom and practices support us during these challenging times

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About our guest:

Beryl Bender Birch is director and founder of The Hard & The Soft Yoga Institute and a founder of the Give Back Yoga Foundation, which provides yoga to underserved communities and offers developmental grants to yoga teachers for community service projects. A spiritual teacher and yoga therapist, Birch is the best-selling author of Power Yoga, the classic training manual for asana practice for Ashtanga Yoga; Beyond Power Yoga, which theorizes a relationship between the eight limbs of yoga and the chakras; Boomer Yoga, which illustrates how to create a yoga plan that works for maturing adults; and Yoga for Warriors, which provides yoga practices for veterans. A former neurofeedback researcher with a degree in comparative religion, Birch has been an avid student of yoga and the study of consciousness since 1971.

Where to find Beryl:


Episode 6 - Yoga for Mental Health with Kenya Aissa


Episode 4 - Dynamic Anatomy with Deane Juhan