Episode 35 - New Perspectives on Anatomy with Noah Maze

In this episode of the Wisdom of Yoga Podcast, Saraswati interviews Noah Maze.

Noah shares with us new perspectives of anatomy in yoga.

  • How the understanding of anatomy of yoga has shifted over the years and why.

  • How new perspectives on anatomy effects the way we practice and teach yoga.

  • Noah explains ways in which we can optimize our practice with increased mobility and movement

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New Perspectives on Anatomy and Yoga with Noah Maze
Wisdom of Yoga Podcast with Saraswati Clere

About Our Guest:

Noah Mazé has devoted his life to the subject of yoga. Best known for his clear, precise, and methodical teaching style, his tangible knowledge, and his ability to transmit with openness, curiosity, and wit are palpable. Noah has collected, gathered, experienced, and embodied this vast subject—seeking out the best teachers, learning from different lineages and absorbing much of what is on offer. Noah’s fierce and compassionate dedication to yoga inspires and holds space for students to journey deeper into body, heart, mind, and spirit than they ever could have imagined. Ever-advancing the conversation and curriculum in yoga education, Noah cofounded The Mazé Method with his wife Tracy. Together, they have pioneered training content to enhance and sharpen the skills of yoga teachers. Noah believes that always remaining a student is essential to teaching. He has thus devoted himself to creating pathways for teachers to continue their learning and cultivation of skill and voice.

Where to find NOAH:


Episode 36 - Demystifying the Chakras with Doug Keller


Episode 34 - The subtle body and Yoga with Doug Keller