Episode 34 - The subtle body and Yoga with Doug Keller

In this episode of the Wisdom of Yoga Podcast, Saraswati interviews Doug Keller. Doug shares with us :

  • How understanding the anatomy of the subtle body provides a road map for going deeper into one’s yoga practice,

  • The connections between the nervous system and the subtle body

  • How the nadis and Vayus connect with the fascial meridians influence upon states of the nervous system.

  • The effect of different asanas on our inner states.

  • How the idea of the chakras can help us tune into the subtle qualities and effects of these states.

  • The effectiveness of asana actually varies according to the focus we bring to it

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The Subtle Body and Yoga with Doug Keller
Wisdom of Yoga Podcast with Saraswati Clere

About Our Guest:

Doug Keller’s background reflects a lifelong commitment to studying, imbibing and sharing the vast field of knowledge and practice known as yoga.

After receiving honors and graduate degrees in philosophy from Georgetown and Fordham Universities, and teaching philosophy at a college level for several years, he then pursued his ‘post-graduate’ education in the practical experience of yoga at the Siddha Yoga Ashram.

There he spent a total of 14 years doing service, practicing, training in and teaching hatha yoga in Siddha Yoga Ashrams worldwide. He received intensive training in the Iyengar system and practiced Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and became one of the first certified Anusara Yoga teachers. He then produced several highly respected books on asana, pranayama, yoga philosophy and yoga therapy.

Doug’s teaching is rooted in a vast and inclusive perspective of study and practice that honors the insights of the many streams of wisdom that flow into the river of yoga.

Where to find Doug:


Episode 35 - New Perspectives on Anatomy with Noah Maze


Episode 33 - Deepening your practice with the bandhas with noah maze